Monday, February 4, 2013

Play Clothes - Manistee, Michigan

In Northwestern Michigan, halfway between Muskegon and Traverse City, you'll find the town of Manistee and the fabulous children's shop, Play Clothes.  Founded in May 2011 by owners Travis and Sarah Alden, they recognized the gap in the downtown business mix and believed that there was a market for their product.  And boy, were they right.

With two young daughters, they knew that if they didn't take this plunge now, they would probably wait until after the girls were out of high school.  Sarah is an attorney, Travis is the Manistee Main Street Manager. So what did they know about opening a children's clothing store?  Plenty.  As parents, they knew what they looked for when shopping for their own family.  Combined with Travis' keen knowledge of the market, they created Play Clothes, a shop carrying high quality toys, clothing and an incredible assortment of other fun goodies in an interactive environment that keeps customers coming back for more.

Well-known brands like Tea and Skip-Hop can be found alongside Michigan-made clothing and toys, creating an atmosphere that makes customers want to explore everything there is to offer.  They say that everything is always new again and to prove that adage true, Play Clothes shelves include retro offerings such as Fraggles, Monchhichis and, my personal favorite, Shrinky Dinks!

In addition to an eclectic product mix, they host several in-store events throughout the year, including the ever-popular "Bookies & Cookies" that includes storytime, songs and activities.  As a Main Street Manager, Alden recognizes the value of not only getting involved in the community, but capitalizing on the events and marketing opportunities offered by the local Main Street organization. While it has been challenging wearing hats of both a merchant and Main Street Manager, Alden believes that it has given him a strong advantage.  He can now participate in discussions as a peer, and businesses appreciate his perspective and input.

Their Facebook page is chock-full of customer testimonials including, "What a GREAT place to shop, it's like a new store every time I go in and the kids love going! If they don't have the exact color or item you need Sarah is great at ordering just what you're looking for. I've never left Play Clothes unsatisfied!" and "It's fun shopping at Play Clothes, you get to play with all the new toys before you buy them. They have adorable clothes too!"

Play Clothes is an outstanding example of an independent business that has perfected their recipe for success. By providing their customers with fun, uncommon products and memorable experiences in a family-friendly environment, they are building a loyal following that will support their business for years to come.  With products like Bubber, Foil It! and Crazy Aaron's Thinking Putty, why wouldn't you want to shop (or play) at Play Clothes?!

Want more?  Visit Main Street Meme on Facebook!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Kristi,
    My name is Jane and I'm with Dwellable.
    I was looking for blogs about Manistee to share on our site and I came across your post...If you're open to it, shoot me an email at jane(at)dwellable(dot)com.
    Hope to hear from you soon!
